The ETH Women Professors Forum members encourage and empower young women to pursue a career in science or engineering. In Switzerland, especially, very few women choose to study and work in STEM fields, and even fewer make it to the top leadership level. In their capacity as role models, our members acquaint young women with the appeal of studying and pursuing a career in science or engineering and encourage graduates in the fields of science.

Furthermore, the WPF serves as a platform for maintaining and exchanging scientific knowledge and experiences amongst members. Members regularly host scientific meetings which are open to all women professors, from young assistant professors to experienced full professors.
They make their expertise available within and beyond institutions of the ETHZ and EPFL domain, as well as support related Swiss initiatives in favor of equal opportunities among the genders and actively suggest and promote such initiatives.

Furthermore, the members work to promote a corporate culture and a work environment in Switzerland that paves the way for women to reach strategic positions up to the highest management level.

“(…) we founded the Women Professors Forum, for female professors in the university to come together to discuss issues that arise, and for the older professors to provide advice.”
Prof. Renate Schubert, Member of the Executive Board, Associate Vice President Equal Opportunities, and Professor of Economics at ETH Zurich. (Nature, Inside View, 09.05.2013)