
Here is a complete list of all current WPF members, including professors emeritae.

Our members are listed by family name. A search for an individual member can be conducted by name or by Department of ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne.

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ETHZ Department

ETHZ Department

EPFL Department

EPFL Department

Tiffany Abitbol

Prof. Dr. Tiffany Abitbol
  • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

Elsa Abreu

Prof. Dr. Elsa Abreu
  • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

Meret Aeppli

Prof. Dr. Meret Aeppli
  • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

Anastasia Ailamaki

Prof. Dr. Anastasia Ailamaki
  • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

Rima Alaifari

Prof. Dr. Rima Alaifari
  • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

Ianina Altshuler

Prof. Dr. Ianina Altshuler
  • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

Hatice Altug

Prof. Dr. Hatice Altug
  • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

Esther Amstad

Prof. Dr. Esther Amstad
  • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

Athina Anastasaki

Prof. Dr. Athina Anastasaki
  • ETHZ Materials Science D-MATL

Marilyne Andersen

Prof. Dr. Marilyne Andersen
  • EPFL Architecture IA

Katerina Argyraki

Prof. Dr. Katerina Argyraki
  • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

Hedan Bai

Prof. Dr. Hedan Bai
  • ETHZ Materials Science D-MATL

Fadoua Balabdaoui

Prof. Dr. Fadoua Balabdaoui
  • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

Mitali Banerjee

Prof. Dr. Mitali Banerjee
  • EPFL Physics IPHYS

Rosa Barba

Prof. Dr. Rosa Barba
  • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

Maartje Bastings

Prof. Dr. Maartje Bastings
  • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

Laura Bégon-Lours

Prof. Dr. Laura Bégon-Lours
  • ETHZ Information Technology and Electrical Engineering D-ITET

Whitney Behr

Prof. Dr. Whitney Behr
  • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

Cristina Benea

Prof. Dr. Cristina Benea
  • EPFL Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering IEM

Gretchen Bernasconi-Green

Prof. em. Dr. Gretchen Bernasconi-Green
  • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

Rizlan Bernier-Latmani

Prof. Dr. Rizlan Bernier-Latmani
WPF Executive Board Member
  • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

Katrin Beyer

Prof. Dr. Katrin Beyer
  • EPFL Civil Engineering IIC

Aude Billard

Prof. Dr. Aude Billard
  • EPFL Microengineering IMT

Anne-Florence Bitbol

Prof. Dr. Anne-Florence Bitbol
  • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

Melanie Blokesch

Prof. Dr. Melanie Blokesch
  • EPFL Global Health GHI

Margarita Boenig-Liptsin

Prof. Dr. Margarita Boenig-Liptsin
  • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

Valentina Boeva

Prof. Dr. Valentina Boeva
  • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

Ardemis Boghossian

Prof. Dr. Ardemis Boghossian
  • EPFL Chemical Sciences and Engineering ISIC

Sara Bonetti

Prof. Dr. Sara Bonetti
  • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

Maria Brbic

Prof. Dr. Maria Brbic
  • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

Cathrin Brisken

Prof. Dr. Cathrin Brisken
  • EPFL Cancer ISREC

Manuela Brunner

Prof. Dr. Manuela Brunner
  • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

Nina Buchmann

Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann
  • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

Annalisa Buffa

Prof. Dr. Annalisa Buffa
  • EPFL Mathematics MATHGEOM

Andrea Burden

Prof. Dr. Andrea Burden
  • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

Marcella Carollo

Prof. Dr. Marcella Carollo
WPF Executive Board EB Member (2012-2013)

    Nuria Casacuberta Arola

    Prof. Dr. Núria Casacuberta Arola
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Eleni Chatzi

    Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Yiwen Chu

    Prof. Dr. Yiwen Chu
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Constance Ciaudo

    Prof. Dr. Constance Ciaudo
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Maria Colombo

    Prof. Dr. Maria Colombo
    • EPFL Mathematics MATHGEOM

    Clemence Corminboeuf

    Prof. Dr. Clemence Corminboeuf
    • EPFL Chemical Sciences and Engineering ISIC

    Emily Cross

    Prof. Dr. Emily Cross
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS
    • EPFL Human and Social Science HSS

    Francesca DaLio

    Prof. Dr. Francesca Da Lio
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Katrien DeBock

    Prof. Dr. Katrien De Bock
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Cindy De Jonge

    Prof. Dr. Cindy De Jonge
    • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

    Laura De Lorenzis

    Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Consuelo De Moraes

    Prof. Dr. Consuelo De Moraes
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Catherine De Wolf

    Prof. Dr. Catherine De Wolf
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Annapaola DeCosa

    Prof. Dr. Annapaola DeCosa
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Petra Dittrich

    Prof. Dr. Petra Dittrich
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Daniela Domeisen

    Prof. Dr. Daniela Domeisen
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Silvia Dorn

    Prof. em. Dr. Silvia Dorn
    WPF Executive Board Founding Board Member (2012-2014)
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Caroline Dorn

    Prof. Dr. Caroline Dorn
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Nathalie Dubois

    Prof. Dr. Nathalie Dubois
    • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

    Kathrin Fenner

    Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fenner
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Olga Fink

    Prof. Dr. Olga Fink
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG
    • EPFL Civil Engineering IIC

    Anna Fontcuberta-Morral

    Prof. Dr. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Amy Fraley

    Prof. Dr. Amy E. Fraley
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Michelle Frei

    Prof. Dr. Michelle Frei
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Anja Frohlich

    Prof. Dr. Anja Frohlich
    • EPFL Architecture IA

    Helene Fueger

    Helene Fueger
    WPF Executive Board Equal opportunity office representative (EPFL)
    • EPFL Equal Opportunity EGA

    Katharina Gapp

    Prof. Dr. Katharina Gapp
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Rachel Garrett

    Prof. Dr. Rachael Garrett
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder

    Prof. Dr. Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Sandrine Gerber

    Prof. Dr. Sandrine Gerber
    • EPFL Chemical Sciences and Engineering ISIC

    Anette Gigon

    Prof. em. Dr. Anette Gigon
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Camille Goemans

    Prof. Dr. Camille Goemans
    • EPFL Global Health GHI

    Rachel Grange

    Prof. Dr. Rachel Grange
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Adrienne Grêt-Regamey

    Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Nathalie Grob

    Prof. Dr. Nathalie Grob
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Charlotte Grossiord

    Prof. Dr. Charlotte Grossiord
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Gudela Grote

    Prof. Dr. Gudela Grote
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2012-2013)
    • ETHZ Management, Technology and Economics D-MTEC

    Wenyu Gu

    Prof. Dr. Wenyu Gu
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Carlotta Guiducci

    Prof. Dr. Carlotta Guiducci
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

    Isabel Günther

    Prof. Dr. Isabel Günther
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Irena Hajnsek

    Prof. Dr. Irena Hajnsek
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Cornelia Halin

    Prof. Dr. Cornelia Halin Winter
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Sophia Haussener

    Prof. Dr. Sophia Haussener
    • EPFL Mechanical Engineering IGM

    Niao He

    Prof. Dr. Niao He
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Colette L. Heald

    Prof. Dr. Colette L. Heald
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Cécile Hebert

    Prof. Dr. Cécile Hebert
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Stefanie Hellweg

    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hellweg
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Janet Hering

    Prof. em. Dr. Janet Hering
    Director Emerita of EAWAG
    WPF Executive Board Founding vice-Chair (2012-2016), Chair (2016-2020)
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Kathryn Hess

    Prof. Dr. Kathryn Hess Bellwald
    • EPFL Neuroscience Brain Mind & Blue Brain BMI-BB

    Raphaela Hettlage

    Dr. Raphaela Hettlage
    WPF Executive Board Equal opportunity office representative (ETHZ)
    • ETHZ Office of Personnel Development and Leadership STAB-VPPL

    Laura Heyderman

    Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman
    • ETHZ Materials Science D-MATL

    Janneke Hille Ris Lambers

    Prof. Dr. Janneke Hille Ris Lambers
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Ann Hirt

    Prof. em. Dr. Ann Marie Hirt
    • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

    Juliane Hollender

    Prof. Dr. Juliane Hollender
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Zoë Holmes

    Prof. Dr. Zoë Holmes
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Gabriela Hug

    Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug
    • ETHZ Information Technology and Electrical Engineering D-ITET

    Mikaela Iacobelli

    Prof. Dr. Mikaela Iacobelli
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Dagmar Iber

    Prof. Dr. Dagmar Iber
    • ETHZ Biosystems Science and Engineering D-BSSE

    Özlem Imamoḡlu

    Prof. Dr. Özlem Imamoḡlu
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Alessandra Iozzi

    Prof. em. Dr. Alessandra Iozzi
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Johanna Jacobi

    Prof. Dr. Johanna Jacobi
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Brigitte Jolles-haeberli

    Prof. Dr. Brigitte Jolles-haeberli
    • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

    Stefanie Jonas

    Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jonas
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Maryam Kamgarpour

    Prof. Dr. Maryam Kamgarpour
    • EPFL Mechanical Engineering IGM

    Tanja Käser

    Prof. Dr. Tanja Käser
    • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

    Ursula Keller

    Prof. Dr. Ursula Keller
    WPF Executive Board Founding Chair (2012-2016)
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Sarah Kenderdine

    Prof. Dr. Sarah Kenderdine
    • EPFL Digital Humanites DH

    Anne-Marie Kermarrec

    Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Kermarrec
    • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

    Dolaana Khovalyg

    Prof. Dr. Dolaana Khovalyg
    • EPFL Civil Engineering IIC

    Tatjana Kleele

    Prof. Dr. Tatjana Kleele
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Ana Klimovic

    Prof. Dr. Ana Klimovic
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Tamar Kohn

    Prof. Dr. Tamar Kohn
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Vassiliki Koubi

    Prof. Dr. Vassiliki Koubi
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Marina Krstic Marinkovic

    Prof. Dr. Marina Krstic Marinkovic
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Ulrike Kutay

    Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kutay
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2014-2017)
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Stéphanie Lacour

    Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Lacour
    • EPFL Microengineering IMT

    Silke Langenberg

    Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Marianne Liebi

    Prof. Dr. Marianne Liebi
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Ulrike Lohmann

    Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lohmann
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Cara Magnabosco

    Prof. Dr. Cara Magnabosco
    • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

    Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

    Prof. Dr. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes
    • EPFL Architecture IA

    Annalisa Manera

    Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Katharina Maniura

    Prof. Dr. Katharina Maniura
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Suliana Manley

    Prof. Dr. Suliana Manley
    WPF Executive Board Chair
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Isabelle Mansuy

    Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mansuy
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Mackenzie Mathis

    Prof. Dr. Mackenzie Mathis
    • EPFL Neuroscience Brain Mind BMI

    Nadia Mazouz

    Prof. Dr. Nadia Mazouz
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Eva-Marie Meemken

    Prof. Dr. Eva-Marie Meemken
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Véronique Michaud

    Prof. Dr. Véronique Michaud
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Denise Mitrano

    Prof. Dr. Denise Mitrano
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Helena Moens-Van Swygenhoven

    Prof. em. Dr. Helena Moens-Van Swygenhoven
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Claudia Mohr

    Prof. Dr. Claudia Mohr
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Elli Mosayebi

    Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Kirsten Moselund

    Prof. Dr. Kirsten Moselund
    • EPFL Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering IEM

    Karen Mulleners

    Prof. Dr. Karen Mulleners
    • EPFL Mechanical Engineering IGM

    Sarah Nichols

    Prof. Dr. Sarah Nichols
    • EPFL Architecture IA

    Moira Norrie

    Prof. em. Dr. Moira Norrie
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Laura Nyström

    Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Sofia Olhede

    Prof. Dr. Sofia Olhede
    • EPFL Mathematics MATHGEOM

    Anette Oxenius

    Prof. Dr. Anette Oxenius
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Jamie Paik

    Prof. Dr. Jamie Paik
    • EPFL Mechanical Engineering IGM

    Stefana Parascho

    Prof. Dr. Stefana Parascho
    • EPFL Architecture IA

    Paola Picotti

    Prof. Dr. Paola Picotti
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Natalia Pikor

    Prof. Dr. Natalia Pikor
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Ursula Quitterer

    Prof. Dr. Ursula Quitterer
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Aleksandra Radenovic

    Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Radenovic
    • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

    Guillermina Rochelle Ramirez-San-Juan

    Prof. Dr. Guillermina Rochelle Ramirez-San-Juan
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Ursula Renold

    Prof. Dr. Ursula Renold
    • ETHZ Management, Technology and Economics D-MTEC

    Sereina Riniker

    Prof. Dr. Sereina Riniker
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Antia Rodrigues-Villalon

    Prof. Dr. Antia Rodrigues-Villalon
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Sylvie Roke

    Prof. Dr. Sylvie Roke
    • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

    Ursula Röthlisberger

    Prof. Dr. Ursula Röthlisberger
    • EPFL Chemical Sciences and Engineering ISIC

    Daniela Rupp

    Prof. Dr. Daniela Rupp
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Federica Sallusto

    Prof. Dr. Federica Sallusto
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Clara Sanchez

    Prof. Dr. Clara Sanchez
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Karin Sander

    Prof. em. Dr. Karin Sander
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Carmen Sandi

    Prof. Dr. Carmen Sandi
    • EPFL Neuroscience Brain Mind BMI

    Kristin Schirmer

    Prof. Dr. Kristin Schirmer
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Julia Schmale

    Prof. Dr. Julia Schmale
    • EPFL Environmental Engineering IIE

    Petra Schmid

    Prof. Dr. Petra Schmid
    • ETHZ Management, Technology and Economics D-MTEC

    Maria Schönbächler

    Prof. Dr. Maria Schönbächler
    • ETHZ Earth Sciences D-ERDW

    Kristina Schoonjans

    Prof. Dr. Kristina Schoonjans
    • EPFL Bioengineering IBI-STI

    Renate Schubert

    Prof. em. Dr. Renate Schubert
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2012-2021)
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Livia Schubiger

    Prof. Dr. Livia Schubiger
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Simone Schürle-Finke

    Prof. Dr. Simone Schürle-Finke
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Karen Scrivener

    Prof. Dr. Karen Scrivener
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Irmi Seidl

    Prof. Dr. Irmi Seidl
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Sonia Seneviratne

    Prof. Dr. Sonia Seneviratne
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Nava Setter

    Prof. em. Dr. Nava Setter
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Lesya Shchutska

    Prof. Dr. Lesya Shchutska
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Kristina Shea

    Prof. Dr. Kristina Shea
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2013-2019)
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Shweta Shivaji Shinde

    Prof. Dr. Shweta Shivaji Shinde
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Mahsa Shoaran

    Prof. Dr. Mahsa Shoaran
    • EPFL Electrical Engineering EE

    Ruth Signorell

    Prof. Dr. Ruth Signorell
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2014-2020)
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Olga Sorkine-Hornung

    Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine-Hornung
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Anna Soter

    Prof. Dr. Anna Soter
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Christina Spengler

    Prof. Dr. Christina Spengler
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Anette Spiro

    Prof. Dr. Anette Spiro
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Sarah Springman

    Prof. em. Dr. Sarah Springman
    Rector ETH Zurich
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2013-2014)
    • ETHZ Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

    Tanja Stadler

    Prof. Dr. Tanja Stadler
    • ETHZ Biosystems Science and Engineering D-BSSE

    Angelika Steger

    Prof. Dr. Angelika Steger
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Angela Steinauer

    Prof. Dr. Angela Steinauer
    • EPFL Chemical Sciences and Engineering ISIC

    Elsbeth Stern

    Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern
    WPF Executive Board EB Member (2016-2018), Vice-Chair (2018-2020)
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

    Shana Sturla

    Prof. Dr. Shana Sturla
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Outi Supponen

    Prof. Dr. Outi Supponen
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Sabine Süsstrunk

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Süsstrunk
    • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

    Judit Szulagyi

    Prof. Dr. Judit Szulagyi
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Giulia Tagliabue

    Prof. Dr. Giulia Tagliabue
    • EPFL Mechanical Engineering IGM

    Siyu Tang

    Prof. Dr. Siyu Tang
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Donna Testerman

    Prof. Dr. Donna Testerman
    • EPFL Mathematics MATHGEOM

    Vasiliki Tileli

    Prof. Dr. Vasiliki Tileli
    • EPFL Materials Science and Engineering IMX

    Elizabeth Tilley

    Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Tilley
    WPF Executive Board Vice-Chair
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Milica Topalovic

    Prof. Dr. Milica Topalovic
    • ETHZ Architecture D-ARCH

    Carmela Troncoso

    Prof. Dr. Carmela Troncoso
    • EPFL Computer and Communication Sciences IINFCOM

    Barbora Trubenova

    Prof. Dr. Barbora Trubenova
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Cornelia Twining

    Prof. Dr. Cornelia Twining
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Susanne Ulbrich

    Prof. Dr. Susanne Ulbrich
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Sara Van de Geer

    Prof. Dr. Sara Van de Geer
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Gisou Vandergoot

    Prof. Dr. Gisou Van der Goot
    • EPFL Global Health GHI

    Paola Viganò

    Prof. Dr. Paola Viganò
    • EPFL Architecture IA

    Marie Violay

    Prof. Dr. Marie Violay
    • EPFL Civil Engineering IIC

    Julia Vogt

    Prof. Dr. Julia Vogt
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Julia Vorholt

    Prof. Dr. Julia Vorholt
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    April Wang

    Prof. Dr. April Wang
    • ETHZ Computer Science D-INFK

    Eilika Weber-Ban

    Prof. Dr. Eilika Weber-Ban
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Helma Wennemers

    Prof. Dr. Helma Wennemers
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Sabine Werner

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Werner
    • ETHZ Biology D-BIOL

    Lenny Winkel

    Prof. Dr. Lenny Winkel
    Directorate Member EAWAG
    WPF Executive Board Treasurer
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Vanessa Wood

    Prof. Dr. Vanessa Wood
    • ETHZ Information Technology and Electrical Engineering D-ITET

    Wenchao Xu

    Prof. Dr. Wenchao Xu
    • ETHZ Physics D-PHYS

    Yoko Yamakoshi

    Prof. Dr. Yoko Yamakoshi
    • ETHZ Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

    Hong Yang

    Prof. em. Dr. Hong Yang
    • ETHZ Environmental Systems Science D-USYS

    Lenka Zdeborová

    Prof. Dr. Lenka Zdeborová
    • EPFL Physics IPHYS

    Melanie Zeilinger

    Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger
    • ETHZ Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

    Marcy Zenobi-Wong

    Prof. Dr. Marcy Zenobi-Wong
    WPF Executive Board Member
    • ETHZ Health Sciences and Technology D-HEST

    Sarah Zerbes

    Prof. Dr. Sarah Zerbes
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Kenan Zhang

    Prof. Dr. Kenan Zhang
    • EPFL EPFL Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Johanna Ziegel

    Prof. Dr. Johanna Ziegel
    • ETHZ Mathematics D-MATH

    Tanja Zimmermann

    Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann
    • ETHZ Materials Science D-MATL

    Verena Zimmermann

    Prof. Dr. Verena Zimmermann
    • ETHZ Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS