Category: Awards + Honors
Prof. Nicola Spalding awarded the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist, congratulations!
On November 7, Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich) was awarded the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist.
Congratulations to Profs. Simona Schürle and Andrea Ablasser
On October 19, Simone Schürle (ETH Zürich) and Andrea Ablasser (EPFL) were awarded the Prix Zonta .
Congratulations to Prof. Ursula Keller
Prof. Ursula Keller has been named as the 2020 recipient of the SPIE Gold Medal. Follow this link for more on this prestigious award. Ursi has also been elected to the International Science Council of the American Physics Society (APS).
Four ETH Women Professors on the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2018
Congratulations to Prof. Nina Buchmann, ETH Zurich (D-USYS) Prof. Marcella Carollo, ETH Zurich (D-PHYS) Prof. Ulrike Lohmann, ETH Zurich (D-USYS) Prof. Sonia Seneviratne, ETH Zurich (D-USYS) More information on
Nan-Yao Su Award to Consuelo De Moraes
Consuelo De Moraes, Professor of Biocommunication and Entomology at the Institue of Agricultural Sciences (IAS), has received the prestigious Nan-Yao Su Award for Innovation and Creativity in Entomology from the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Congratulations! Find more information here: Nan-Yao Su Award to Consuelo DeMoraes
Andrea Ablasser wins the 2018 National Latsis Prize
Andreea Ablasser wins the 2018 National Latsis Prize. The National Latsis Prize rewards researchers up to the age of 40 for outstanding achievements in basic science. It is one of the highest scientific honors in Switzerland. Congratulations! Find more details under: National Latsis Prize Andrea Ablasser wins the 2018 National Latsis Prize…
Sereina Riniker receives the Latsis Prize 2018
Sereina Riniker receives the Latsis Prize 2018 of ETH Zurich for her groundbreaking contributions to the methodological development and applications of molecular dynamics simulations. Find more infomation under: Sereina Riniker receives the Latsis Prize 2018 Department of chemistry and applied biosciences Prix Latsis universitaire 2018 (min. 21:30 Laudation, min. 28 Honor)
Congratulations to Profs. Gudela Grote and Silvia Dorn
Professor Gudela Grote has been elected as a member of the SNF National Reserarch Council in the programs division SNSF Research Council: new members elected Professor Emer. Silvia Dorn won the International Branch Distinguished Scientist Award from the Entomological Society of America Winners of the International Branch Distinguished Scientist Award Congratulations!
Prof. Melanie Blokesch elected to the SNSF National Research Council
Congratulations to Professor Melanie Blokesch, EPF Lausanne, on her election to the SNSF National Research Council (Division III)! More information under: New members of research council
ERC Starting Grants to Profs. Andrea Ablasser and Lavinia Heisenberg
Congratulations to our colleagues Profs. Andrea Ablasser and Lavinia Heisenberg on their ERC Starting Grants! Andrea ABLASSEREPFL Global Health InstituteImAgine Exploring the link between innate Immunity and cellular Aging Andrea Ablasser wins ERC Starting Grant Lavinia HEISENBERGSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)ModGravTrial Modified Gravity on Trial Lavinia Heisenberg wins ERC Starting Grant