Category: Awards + Honors
Prof. Melanie Blokesch appointed as HHMI International Research Scholar
HHMI, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation announce the selection of 41 International Research Scholars, early-career scientists poised to advance biomedical research across the globe. Melanie Blokesch studies Vibrio cholerae, a water-dwelling bacterium that wreaks havoc in the gut and causes the diarrhoeal disease cholera. Her team…
Nicola Spaldin has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
Nicola Spaldin, professor at Materials Theory (D-MATL), has been awarded a fellowship granted by the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. The admission to the Society will take place at a formal admissions day ceremony on Friday July 14, 2017. Congratulations!
Ursula Keller receives Weizmann Women and Science Award
Ursula Keller received the award for pioneering and seminal contributions to ultrafast lasers technology and important breakthroughs in attosecond science. She has been a co-founder and board member for Time-Bandwidth Products (acquired by JDSU in 2014) and for GigaTera (acquired by Time-Bandwidth in 2003). Her research interests are exploring and pushing the frontiers in ultrafast…
Prof. Melanie Blokesch awarded with an ERC Consolidator Grant
Melanie Blokesch (Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, Global Health Institute, School of Life Sciences, EPFL) has been awarded with an ERC consolidator award for 2018-2023. Her Proposal was entitled: Pathoecology of Vibrio cholerae to better understand cholera index cases in endemic areas. Melanie had previously been awarded an ERC starting grant (for 2013-2018). Congratulations!
Prof. Aude Billard awarded with an ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Aude Billard has been awarded with an ERC Advanced Grant for her proposal entitled: Skill Acquisition in Humans and Robots. Congratulations!
Prof. Bernier-Latmani awarded with ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Rizlan Bernier-Latmani has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her proposal entitled: UNEARTH Uranium isotope fractionation : a novel biosignature to identify microbial metabolism on early Earth. Congratulations!
ERC Starting Grants 2016
Two young women scientists from ETH Zurich and one Professor from EPFL are to receive ERC Starting Grants. The European Research Council offers these grants to support talented young researchers as they embark on their academic careers. The selected projects come from several different research areas. Katrien De Bock, Associate Professor of Exercise and Health,…
Prof. Helma Wennemers wins the 2016 Pedler Award
Prof. Helma Wennemers is this year’s winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry Pedler Award: “For the profound and elegant discovery of small molecules that function like natural macromolecules” Read more
New Co-Chair of Leadership Summit
Silvia Dorn, Professor Emerita at the Department of Environmental Systems Science, Silvia Dorn has been appointed as Co-Chair of the International Entomology Leadership Summit: Improving the Human Condition through Insect Science, by the Entomological Society of America (ESA). This Summit convenes leaders and key partners to take on great challenges worldwide to which entomology can make a unique…
ETH Professor Petra Dittrich honored
Last week, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the winners of the Consolidator Grants for talented young researchers. Petra Dittrich, a researcher at ETH, is one of those to receive the much-coveted funding. ETH professor Petra Dittrich uses lab-on-a-chip technology to develop miniaturized analysis systems for application in biology and chemistry. She would like to…