Why is networking crucial for women in leading positions?
Prof. Dr. Ursula Keller, President of ETH Women Professors Forum and Director of NCCR MUST was invited to several conferences and congresses to talk about the network of women professors at ETH Zurich.
Starting with facts + figures at ETH Zurich and on evidence shown by gender studies at universities, Ursula Keller presented her career trajectory from high school to being a full professor for physics. She described how she changed her mind about promoting women during her career and explained why it is crucial that women unite and network to achieve equal opportunities.
On 16 January 2015 at fff-congress of ZHAW in Zurich. Read more…
On 13 March 2015 at the Business & Network Day of the Swiss Women Network SWONET in Brugg. Read more…
On 15 April 2015 at the Event for Leading Women of AXA Wintherthur in Winterthur.
On 8 May 2015 at the Event for Leading Women of the Federal Departement of Foreign Affairs in Berne.
PDF “Warum müssen sich Frauen in Führungspositionen vernetzen?” von Prof. Dr. Ursula Keller. (Available in German only)