Six ETH Zurich researchers receive Advanced Grants

Will be supported with up to 2.4 million Swiss francs: Karsten Weis, Helma Wennemers, Ulrike Kutay, Mathieu Luisier, Consuelo De Moraes, Tilman Esslinger (from left). (Photograph: ETH Zurich).

The Swiss National Science Foundation has awarded Advanced Grants to make up for the loss of European support. Researchers at ETH Zurich did particularly well, with 6 of the 24 grants going to the university. Will be supported with up to 2.4 million Swiss francs: Karsten Weis, Helma Wennemers, Ulrike Kutay, Mathieu Luisier, Consuelo De Moraes, Tilman Esslinger (from left). (Photograph: ETH Zurich).

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