Category: Awards + Honors
Suliana Manley and Sylvie Roke Elected APS Fellows
The ETH-WPF congratulates EPFL Professors Suliana Manley (School of Basic Sciences) and Sylvie Roke (School of Engineering) have been elected Fellows of the American Physical Society. (photo reused from Suliana Manley’s research focuses on the dynamic assembly of proteins and on developing a physical paradigm for how proteins form mesoscale assemblies. Her lab develops and uses…
Prof. Ruth Signorell elected as a new member of the European Academy of Sciences
Congratulations to Prof. Ruth Signorell for her election as a new member of the European Academy of Sciences! Prof. Signorell is a Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at ETH Zurich, leading the Chair of Aerosols and Nanoscience. read more here
Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung named ACM Fellow
D-INFK Professor Olga Sorkine-Hornung has been named an ACM Fellow for her contributions to digital geometry processing, computer animation, computer graphics and visual computing. Olga Sorkine-Hornung, professor at the Institute of Visual Computing, is one of the 95 recognized Fellows. ACM’s most prestigious member grade recognizes the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding…
Prof. Nicola Spaldin elected as a member of the ERC Science Council
The European Commission has elected Professor Nicola Spaldin (Chair of Materials Theory, ETH Zürich) as a member of the ERC Science Council. Prof. Spaldin has herself been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant under the 7th Research Framework Programme (2007-2013). Under Horizon 2020 (20214-2020), she is one of the co-Principal investigators in the ERC Synergy Grant “Hero”,…
Prof. Sorkine and Prof. Stadler awarded ERC Consolidator Grants
Congratulations to two of our WPF members for the receipt of ERC Consolidator Grants Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine (ETH Zürich): MYCLOTH – Sustainable Algorithmic Modeling of Personalized Garments Prof. Dr. Tanja Stadler (ETH Zürich): PhyCogy – From Foundations of Phylodynamics to New Applications in Cell Biology Read more here
Maryna Viazovska was awarded the 2020 National Latsis Prize
Professor Maryna Viazovska was awarded the 2020 National Latsis Prize, which rewards the work of researchers under the age of 40, in recognition for her ground-breaking work in solving the sphere-packing problem. More details here.
Congratulations to Eleni Chatzi for being awarded the 2020 Walter L. Huber Research Prize
Congratulations! ETH Zurich official news. For more details on this prestigious award please check here.
Maryna Viazovska receives the 2019 Fermat Prize
The 2019 Fermat prize in mathematics has been awarded to Professor Maryna Viazovska for her solution to the sphere packing problem. The Fermat prize was created in 1989 and is awarded by the Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse, hometown of Pierre Fermat. More details here.
Prof. Ruth Signorell receives the Humboldt Prize
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has awarded a Humboldt Research Award to Ruth Signorell in recognition of her outstanding past accomplishments in research and teaching. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Prof. Ruth Signorel for being awarded the 2019 Mildred Dresselhaus Prize
Ruth Signorell (ETH Zurich) was awarded the 2019 Mildred Dresselhaus Prize (senior award) from the Centre of Ultrafast Imaging (CUI) in Hamburg, and in addition a Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship at the CUI.