Category: Women in STEM Fields
The Gender pay gap in academia
As it exists in many other fields, the gender pay gap also affects women in academia. An association similar to our own, the Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences, comprised of junior women and senior scientists worked for decades to help improve policies for women at the University of North Carolina in the USA.…
Sexism in Academia
“Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding“: an article which can receive no better introduction than its own title. This one in the Nature Reviews Materials online journal and another similar article in The Conversation are two articles co-authored by two of our members, Ursula Keller and Janet Hering.…
4th EWORA Webinar – Excellence & Gender
The 4th EWORA Webinar “Excellence and Gender: In what way is the construction of excellence linked to gender?“will be held on 18 October 2021 (14:00 – 15:30 CET). The meeting will be chaired by Prof. Birgit Riegraf, President of Paderborn University, Germany, and Board Member of EWORA. PROGRAM Further information and RSVP in this link
Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions
The study of Sarah-Jane Leslie et al. hypothesize that, across the academic spectrum, women are underrepresented in fields whose practitioners believe that raw, innate talent is the main requirement for success, because women are stereotyped as not possessing such talent. The analysis of the data suggest that academics who wish to diversify their fields might…
Life Paths of Math Fe/male Talents
David Lubinski et al. analyzed the life paths and accomplishments of mathematically talented men and women over four decades. The outcome was that their career path did diverge, because cutting-edge advances, high powered careers, and important leadership roles demand substantial time commitment and intense engagement. Men expressed “stronger preferences for high-impact careers and were willing…
Women, research and universities: excellence without gender bias
by League of European Research Universities LERU, July 2012. PDF on
The Big Idea: STEM, in a day, with the RSA
“We’ve helped girls meet a diverse set of women working across a diversity of roles in STEM and in doing so have helped break stereotypes.” by Anne-Marie Imafidon in: Royal Society of Arts Fellowship, Blog 02.06.2014
Sex and Gender Analysis Policies of Peer-Reviewed Journals
A growing number of peer-reviewed journals apply gender policies. Gendered Innovations lists the journals and data asked for. by Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Environment, June 2014.