Panel Discussion: Women in Academia
On November 28, 2024 Women in Natural Sciences (WiNS) will host an event at the ETHZ with a panel discussion featuring four of our members on the topic of Women in Academia. This is the second event of its kind that WiNS has organized and both times with a varied group of panel members.
The event will take place at 17:00 at HCI J4, ETH Hönggerberg and the panel discussion will be followed by an apero. Please register in advance using the QR-Code below.

Ruth Signorell to give talk at EPFL
On October 28, 2024 Prof. Ruth Signorell of the ETHZ will take part in the IMX Seminar Series at EPFL with her talk titled “Chemical and physical processes in the confined environment of an aerosol particle”.
It will take place from 13:15 to 14:15 at the MXF 1 hall. View more details on the event and a summary of its contents on the EPFL website.

Spotlight Seminar Series: Women in STEM
The next installment of the D-BAUG Spotlight seminar series is coming up on June 25th 2024, under the theme of Geospatial Modelling Challenges. The event is followed by a panel discussion touching on aspects/considerations for women in STEM.
Deadline to register: June 17th

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral appointed as EPFL president
Congratulations to Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral for her appointment as EPFL president, starting on January 1, 2025. She has been at EPFL since 2008, when she began as Assistant Professor Tenure Track and became Full Professor in 2019.

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral is the first woman to head one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology. She has already made an impact as a leader for many years as an award winning teacher, as the head of the WISH Foundation, and as a board member on the SNSF. She has served as an Associate Vice-President for Centers and Platforms at EPFL for the past 4 years. Her plans for shaping the EPFL during her term will be revealed at a later point.
Read more on the EPFL website.
Karen Scrivener selected by UN Secretary-General to be Representative in 10-Member Group for Sustainable Development Goals
Congratulations to Prof. Karen Scrivener for being selected by the United Nations Secretary-General for the Group of Ten High-level Representatives of Civil Society, Private Sector and Scientific Community to Promote Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (10-Member Group).
As an internationally recognized engineering expert in developing environmentally friendly building materials from decades of research into cement and concrete, she now works closely together with the UN Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation while contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Read more on the EPFL website.

Lecture series at ETHZ in the spring semester 2024
In the coming spring semester, the ETH Zurich is hosting a series of Inaugural, Farewell and Introductory Lectures that are open to the public. Some of our members are among the professors giving a lecture.
Spanning all ETH departments, the lectures will take place from February 21, 2024 to May 30, 2024, mostly in the same hall.
Explore the list of lectures and topics here.
A live stream of the events will take place here.
The introductory and the farewell lectures will be live streamed here.
New professors appointed at ETHZ and EPFL
On December 7, the ETH Board announced the appointment 14 new professors at the ETHZ and the EPFL.
Of these 14 professors, 4 of them are women; 3 at the ETHZ and 1 at the EPFL, who coincidentally is the only professor that the EPFL appointed this term.
Their fields of research are in the Departments of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences; Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering; Architecture; and the School of Computer and Communication Sciences and Life Sciences.
Read about the appointed professors on ETH Board.
ETH Diversity Award
As an official office of the ETHZ, the ETH Diversity is dedicated to making the experience of studying, researching and working at the ETH more diverse and inclusive. Every year they celebrate 3 individual people and 3 groups or organizations for their efforts to promote equal opportunities for all at the ETH.
This year they presented the awards on November 29, 2023. The winners of the award in the organization category have organized multiple events to discuss issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community and provided a networking opportunity for queer people. The winner of the award in the individual category has advocated for women and minorities, by working in multiple initiatives and engaging with groups and committees.
We salute the winners and nominated parties of the award and the ETH Diversity team and hope they continue the good work.
Read more about the award and this year’s recipients on ETH Diversity.
SNSF grants for WPF members
The Swiss National Science Foundation has awarded 6 of our members a grant for their projects in the coming years. We congratulate Professors Manuela Brunner, He Niao, Anna Soter, Tatjana Kleele, Xu Wenchao and Ana Klimovic on their grants.

Sexism in Academia
“Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding“: an article which can receive no better introduction than its own title. This one in the Nature Reviews Materials online journal and another similar article in The Conversation are two articles co-authored by two of our members, Ursula Keller and Janet Hering. In collaboration with other women scientists they highlight how great of an obstacle sexism is to science and its consequences in academics and real life: (potentially life-saving) progress is stifled and resources in the shape of public funding and valuable contributors to science are lost. Ursula Keller also contributed her own article on the subject on ellexx.

Read the full articles here:
“Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding“ Nature Reviews Materials
„How your money is helping subsidize sexism in academia – and what you can do about it“ The Conversation
„Sexismus in der Wissenschaft: Wie Fortschritt gebremst und Steuergelder verschwendet werden“ ellexx
Lesya Shchutska wins Latsis Prize 2023
Congratulations to Prof. Lesya Shchutska for winning the Swiss Science Latsis Prize 2023. Shchutska is the second member of the WPF to receive the prize in a row, following Prof. Carmela Troncoso. The prize is awarded to four young scientists a year for their exceptional contributions to science at a Swiss university.
Read more on EPFL.

Rizlan Bernier-Latmani and Tamar Kohn become members of the Academia Europaea 2023
Congratulations to Prof. Rizlan Bernier-Latmani and Prof. Tamar Kohn for being elected as members of the Academia Europaea class of 2023. The Academia Europaea is a non-governmental association that promotes scientific research and education. New members are nominated by existing members and invited by the Council of Academia after group evaluation.

Rizlan Bernier-Latmani on Academia Europaea
Tamar Kohn on Academia Europaea